This 17,000 acre ranch is located in central New Mexico and is truly a jewel in the desert. With a running creek coming through the center of the property, this oasis is a glaring contrast of the barren desert in the surrounding areas. With a perfect mix of creek bottom, agriculture, and desert terrian, this outfitter hosts this low impact mule deer hunt on his families personal ranch. Only two hunters per hunt with a total of four hunters per year are allowed to hunt this amazing property annually. Hunters should expect to hunt 150-170 class deer while hunting. Accomadations are on site and will be in a modified RV camper with full beds, bathroom, and living area. If you are looking for a remote off the grid location to hunt mule deer that doesn't break the bank, this is one of the best values in the state for a chance at a nice mule deer buck. Give us a call or email and we can walk you through all the details of getting lined up with this hunt.
*Hunt does not require an application and hunters can purchase permit over-the-counter
Private Land Mule Deer Hunt in New Mexico
5 Day Hunt
$5,000 - 2x1
$5,500 - 1x1
Observers: $150 per day