If you have been dreaming of hunting caribou, but are not intrested in hunting a general area that is crowded, and often over hunted then this is what you have been looking for. These Barren ground caribou hunts happen on the Alaska Range and are available to nonresidents by draw only. With decent drawing odds most hunters are able to secure this permit within a couple years of applying. There is no point system in Alaska so you will have an equal chance of drawing even the first year you apply. Hunters can expect a realistic crack at taking a 350+ bull on this hunt with many hunters harvesting bulls in the high 390's as well as a few that break 400 inches. The hunts are physical, but with the aid of side by side ATV's you will be able to cover lots of ground, and see multiple bulls per day. Camps are very nice with excellent meals, This outfitter has 3 rustic cabins that are used for accomadations, and much more than you would expect for a remote camp. If you have dreamed of taking a moose, grizzly, or even a Dall sheep this hunt offers an excellent chance to be successful with one of these species as well on a trophy fee basis. This is truly a dream trip to Alaska, with a veteran outfitter who has a multi generational history of success in these amazing mountains. If you are intrested in applying for this hunt call us today. Our professional hunt consultants will assist you in every way to prepare for this hunt, and get you any additional information you may need.
Best Caribou Hunt in Alaska
8 Day Hunt
$14,500 Caribou hunt (1 Guide with 1 Hunter)
$9,500 Caribou hunt (1 Guide with 2 Hunters)
Trophy Fees for animals of opportunity
$20,000 Dall Sheep
All hunters will be encouraged to take a wolf if in the unlikely event that you get an opportunity at one. There are no harvest tickets or locking tags required in this unit to harvest a wolf and there is no trophy fee.